Prоduсt Dеаl Custom Accessories 89960W E-Tek Butane Torch

Prоduсt Dеаl Custom Accessories 89960W E-Tek Butane Torch
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Customer reviews Custom Accessories 89960W E-Tek Butane Torch

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Buу 1 gеt 1 🔥 Custom Accessories 89960W E-Tek Butane Torch

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Brand Custom Accessories
Item Weight 3.84 Ounces
Item Dimensions LxWxH 9.4 x 4.5 x 2.4 inches

  • Small Butane Torch: The self igniting mini torch is perfect for weatherproofing terminals, heat shrink tubing and smoldering when working on different types of fixes and repairs
  • Universal Butane Torch: Equipped with a safety lock system and features a self igniting electric ignition; The torch is also great for putting the finishing touches on creme brulee
  • Butane Torch For All Needs: Use a butane soldering torch for car repairs, soldering, weatherproof terminals or heat shrink tubing; The self starting torch can also be used for caramelizing sugar and creme brulees
  • Interior and Exterior Car Accessories: We provide you with plenty of car auto accessories to customize your vehicle; Check out our floor mats, deer alerts, phone cup holders, chargers Bluetooth speakers and more
  • Aftermarket Accessories: Custom Accessories is a family owned company and leader in the aftermarket automotive accessories marketplace; We are known for our extensive product line, product innovation and packaging solutions focusing on the consumers’ needs
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Product Description

This handheld E-Tek butane torch by Custom Accessories is ideal for heat shrink electrical tubing and terminals in splicing wire connections. Torch is mini size for convenient on the job use to get into tight spaces as needed. This butane torch is designed with a self-igniting electric ignition and has a safety lock system.

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