Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue
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Rеvіеw Prоduсt Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

only with $ 50.28

Power Source Battery Powered
Color Blue
Light Source Type LED
Brand Streamlight
Material Other

  • Three modes: high (160-Lumen; 23m beam; runs 3 hours; 130-Candela), low (40-Lumen; 11m beam; runs 8.5 hours; 30-Candela) and flash (runs 7 hours)
  • Lithium ion battery recharges in 4.75 hours; push-button tail switch with charge indicator Red=charging Green=charged
  • Integrated tail-end magnet for hands-free use; removable and rotatable pocket clip
  • Durable, anodized machined aluminum construction; gasket-sealed polycarbonate lens
  • IPX4 water resistant; 1 meter impact resistance tested

From the manufacturer

Streamlight 66702 Stylus Pro COB Penlight
penlight, pocketlight, pocket,light, magnetic,chip on board, compact,flashlight, USB,rechargeable

Streamlight is a "hands-on" company. We Listen. We Learn. We Get It.

We've have since the company started in 1973. We learn by doing, we understand what our customers need because we're out there doing what they do, using the same lights in the same ways. We go through firefighters' training. We take courses in low-light shooting. We're hunters, fishermen, outdoor and sports enthusiasts. We believe it's our hands-on, real-world experience that leads to new ideas and innovations that set Streamlight apart. Who knows what we'll come up with next?

Product Description

The Stylus Pro COB is a sleek compact pen sized, USB rechargeable, lithium ion battery powered area light designed for use in all markets. It features a top switch for easy actuation of two lighting levels, a pocket clip for convenience, integrated magnet in tail cap, and amazing brightness and run time for a light of its size. It produces a bright, evenly diffused light that is ideal for up-close tasks. COB (chip on board) LED technology is impervious to shock with a 30,000 hour lifetime. The aluminum housing with Type II Military Spec anodizing helps make the light extremely durable and abrasion resistant. Packaged with a removable pocket clip. Clip it to your pocket for hands-free lighting. Don’t have a pocket? Stick it to a steel surface using its integrated magnet. Its slim profile fits into tight spaces to flood the work area with light. Includes USB cord and 66143 rechargeable lithium ion battery. Streamlight's EPU-5200 portable USB charger #22600 can be purchased separately.

Product information

Technical Details

Bіg Sаlе Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

Exсluѕіvе Dіѕсоunt 70% Prісе Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

🔥 Flаѕh Sаlе Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

Hоttеѕt Sаlе Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

Prоduсt Dеаl Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

Blасk Frіdау - 60% оƒƒ Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

Buу 1 gеt 1 Streamlight 66708 Stylus Pro COB 160-Lumen USB Rechargeable Magnetic Penlight with Pocket Clip and USB Cord, Box Packaged, Blue

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