Flаѕh Sаlе Roland RH-300 Stereo Headphones

Flаѕh Sаlе Roland RH-300 Stereo Headphones
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Customer reviews Roland RH-300 Stereo Headphones

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Lіmіtеd Stосk Roland RH-300 Stereo Headphones

only with $249.00

Brand Roland
Color Grey
Connectivity Technology Wired
Form Factor Over Ear
Noise Control Sound Isolation

  • Optimized headphones with flat, accurate sound quality for the latest electronic digital musical instruments
  • Newly developed 45mm driver with neodymium magnet offers full dynamic range and stable output, even on large input surges
  • Able to reproduce fast attack transients, such as those from Fantom-X high-resolution piano, V-Drums, etc.
  • Classy appearance with aluminum housing plate. Soft earpad provides comfortable listening for prolonged periods
  • OFC 3.4m straight cable with conve

Product Description

Roland's top-of-the-line headphones. The Roland RH-300 headphones offer flat, accurate sound quality. Newly developed driver provides ultrawide frequency range. Classy appearance with aluminum housing plate. Adjustable, lightweight design provides superior sound isolation, noise reduction, and comfort. High-power capacity with 45mm drivers, neodymium magnets, and CCAW voice coil.

Product information

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Uр Tо 40% оƒƒ Roland RH-300 Stereo Headphones


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